Pretty Clear Whose Bed the Dave Matthews Band Sleeps In...
So the Dave Matthews Band has released a new album. I'm not going to promote it. I don't really care about them one way or the other, but they've achieved some level of notoriety with this album because it's one of the first to use the new copy restriction protection schemes the Recording Industry Ass. of America and the Record Labels are foisting upon unsuspecting consumers.
Here's the deal:
When you buy one of these albums, you'll no longer be able to "rip" it to your favorite MP3 player. No, you'll only be able to copy songs off the CD in WMA format which just happens to be Microsoft's proprietary music format. So if you are one of the small percentage of people in the country who own a player that can play WMA files, well, you're just fine aren't you? As long as you only want to make the number of copies the label TELLS you you can make.
In a seemingly funded by the RIAssA statement, the Dave Matthew's Band posts on their web site this big long, idiotic statement telling people that in order to get these tracks on their iPod (a non WMA playing device) they have to go through these very long and complicated steps and ... here's what rubs me the wrong way ... this is all APPLE'S fault.
Yes, it has nothing to do with the record labels or with the Dave Matthew's Band opting to go with the very limited copy protection in the first place. No, it's the fault of APPLE because they choose to NOT use WMA. Never mind that you can currently purchase the tracks through iTunes if you wanted to (I wonder how long Steve Jobs will keep their tracks up now). Nevermind that under US copyright law it's my RIGHT to make a copy for my own, personal use. Nope. The whole reason you have to jump through these hoops is because Apple didn't license WMA from Microsoft. It's always someone else isn't it?
Here's the truth:
This copy protection scheme ONLY works on Windows computers.
If you own a Mac or run Linux, you can rip the tracks like you always have. They even say that right at the beginning. "If you have a Mac computer you can copy the songs using your iTunes Player as you would normally do."
But according to the official Dave Matthew's Band website an "easier and more acceptable solution requires cooperation from Apple."
No it doesn't. All it requires is an Apple computer (or presumably a Linux computer).
Another easy and more acceptable solution would be for the Dave Matthew's Band to tell their label to shove it and jump to another, more artist and consumer friendly label. Obviously, they can't think that far ahead.
Since the Dave Matthew's Band is already giving you steps to circumvent the DRM of their CD, I thought I'd share a few thoughts on other, simpler, methods for getting their crap on your iPod without making Apple change their business model.
Method 1:
1) Don't buy the CD. Instead opt to purchase and download the tracks from the iTunes music store. There ya go. Done.
However, if you're going to rip the music then first buy the CD. Hey, I'm not advocating stealing the music!
Method 2 (ripping):
1) Try holding down the left shift key while inserting the CD in your Windows computer. This should stop the CD from auto-loading whatever DRM crap they are trying to install.
2) Start iTunes and rip the tracks as you normally would.
Technically, "they" might consider this to be bypassing the DRM of the disc, therefore putting you afoul of the DMCA. SO...
Method 3 (ripping):
Since the DRM is not applicable to Mac computers, there is no circumventing of it if you use a Mac to rip the tracks (unless the Feds decide that simply owning a Mac makes you a criminal because you can bypass the DRM with it. Don't laugh. Stranger things have happened.)
1) Simply borrow a friend's Apple computer to rip the tracks.
2) Copy those ripped tracks to a blank CD or shoot them back to yourself over the Internet.
3) Import those tracks into your iTunes.
Remember to delete those tracks from your friend's computer, though I suspect in this particular case they won't be able to get them off their computer fast enough.
For some RIAssA free music, be sure to check out the following sites:
Don't let the corporate, bottom line driven radio stations tell you what to like. There's some real kick-ass music to be found if you seek it out.
Here's the deal:
When you buy one of these albums, you'll no longer be able to "rip" it to your favorite MP3 player. No, you'll only be able to copy songs off the CD in WMA format which just happens to be Microsoft's proprietary music format. So if you are one of the small percentage of people in the country who own a player that can play WMA files, well, you're just fine aren't you? As long as you only want to make the number of copies the label TELLS you you can make.
In a seemingly funded by the RIAssA statement, the Dave Matthew's Band posts on their web site this big long, idiotic statement telling people that in order to get these tracks on their iPod (a non WMA playing device) they have to go through these very long and complicated steps and ... here's what rubs me the wrong way ... this is all APPLE'S fault.
Yes, it has nothing to do with the record labels or with the Dave Matthew's Band opting to go with the very limited copy protection in the first place. No, it's the fault of APPLE because they choose to NOT use WMA. Never mind that you can currently purchase the tracks through iTunes if you wanted to (I wonder how long Steve Jobs will keep their tracks up now). Nevermind that under US copyright law it's my RIGHT to make a copy for my own, personal use. Nope. The whole reason you have to jump through these hoops is because Apple didn't license WMA from Microsoft. It's always someone else isn't it?
Here's the truth:
This copy protection scheme ONLY works on Windows computers.
If you own a Mac or run Linux, you can rip the tracks like you always have. They even say that right at the beginning. "If you have a Mac computer you can copy the songs using your iTunes Player as you would normally do."
But according to the official Dave Matthew's Band website an "easier and more acceptable solution requires cooperation from Apple."
No it doesn't. All it requires is an Apple computer (or presumably a Linux computer).
Another easy and more acceptable solution would be for the Dave Matthew's Band to tell their label to shove it and jump to another, more artist and consumer friendly label. Obviously, they can't think that far ahead.
Since the Dave Matthew's Band is already giving you steps to circumvent the DRM of their CD, I thought I'd share a few thoughts on other, simpler, methods for getting their crap on your iPod without making Apple change their business model.
Method 1:
1) Don't buy the CD. Instead opt to purchase and download the tracks from the iTunes music store. There ya go. Done.
However, if you're going to rip the music then first buy the CD. Hey, I'm not advocating stealing the music!
Method 2 (ripping):
1) Try holding down the left shift key while inserting the CD in your Windows computer. This should stop the CD from auto-loading whatever DRM crap they are trying to install.
2) Start iTunes and rip the tracks as you normally would.
Technically, "they" might consider this to be bypassing the DRM of the disc, therefore putting you afoul of the DMCA. SO...
Method 3 (ripping):
Since the DRM is not applicable to Mac computers, there is no circumventing of it if you use a Mac to rip the tracks (unless the Feds decide that simply owning a Mac makes you a criminal because you can bypass the DRM with it. Don't laugh. Stranger things have happened.)
1) Simply borrow a friend's Apple computer to rip the tracks.
2) Copy those ripped tracks to a blank CD or shoot them back to yourself over the Internet.
3) Import those tracks into your iTunes.
Remember to delete those tracks from your friend's computer, though I suspect in this particular case they won't be able to get them off their computer fast enough.
For some RIAssA free music, be sure to check out the following sites:
Don't let the corporate, bottom line driven radio stations tell you what to like. There's some real kick-ass music to be found if you seek it out.
Preach it Brother Mike. Totally lame venal move by a vapid boring musician. Let's see how many cow hides can we get off of one bovine,hmm....?
Mark Forman, at 9:15 PM
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