ESC!Webs Blogitorials

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Wow. That's Just About All I Can Say. Wow.

ESC! Magazine had its biggest download day in recorded history* on April 26th - one day after the release of our new issue.

On April 26th, our servers recorded 103 downloads of the Spring 2005 issue alone. For the single week encompassing 4/25 - 5/2, there were 229 downloads of the new issue.

In my book that deserves a "Wow."

Running stats on each day last week, I can see a definite pattern in the downloads. Surprisingly they began late Monday night. I didn't get the issue uploaded until 10:30pm and, yet, there were a fair number of downloads that took place in the last hour and a half before midnight.

Does that mean people were ... waiting for the new issue? Could I go so far as to say eagerly anticipating?

Another interesting thing I noted when reviewing the stats is that there was not one, single, PDF download on the weekend. That is, April 30th or May 1st. Not one. Then, on Monday, the downloads picked right back up again. In fact, they were double what they were the previous Friday.

Does that mean people are only downloading their issues of ESC! while "on the clock?" It sure would seem that way wouldn't it?

I certainly don't expect the same level of downloads to continue until the new issue is released this Fall. I mean, after all, my audience is somewhat ... focused, but it sure is great to know so many are in circulation.

If you've read the issue, please drop me a line to let me know what you thought. I'm eager to get your feedback to help shape future issues of the magazine.

*ASIDE: "Recorded History" for the ESC! Magazine web site stats goes back to April 2004. That's when I really started keeping track of the downloads.


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