ESC!Webs Blogitorials

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Blogging is handled so differently by those who do it. Some use it to keep a daily journal of their thoughts and experiences, some post random silly things they find or hear about in their daily travels and some use it as a news outlet.

I guess the ESC! Magazine Blogitorials are a little of all those things. You will find personal entries from time to time, you will find news items I think might be of interest to others and you'll find experiences from my life that seem -- at the time anyway -- relevant to ESC! Magazine or to the writing life.

You just won't find entries every day.


If you like to keep up on all things ESC! but don't have the time to check our blog webpage all the time, be sure to add our ESC! Atom Site Feed link at the right to your favorite RSS/Feed reader (I prefer Mozilla Thunderbird or Mozilla Firefox) and let the software inform you when I've posted a new entry!


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