ESC!Webs Blogitorials

Saturday, January 01, 2005


How many bloggers begin their first post that way? "Welcome!" It may be uninspired, but it is appropriate. If you've never read ESC! Magazine before I'd like to welcome you to our publication and give a bit of insight into why I finally decided to enter the world of blogging.

For some time, I've encouraged others to create blogs as a means to express themselves in writing. Too often I'd hear from folks with things to say or writing to publish but with no outlet. No place to vent their anger, share their latest love poem or ... reveal their deepest secrets with complete anonymity -- if desired. You see, blogging is simply an digital-age version of the daily journal with the major exception that, if you choose to, you could share your thoughts with a few million new friends.

Here are a couple blogs from folks who've recently started up blogs and have a lot of good things to say:

So This is Janet's Blog

Temporary Trouble Spots

ESC! Magazine, being available in both print and electronic editions, keeps me busy even though I've recently reduced the number of annual issues to two from the four of years past. In addition I have the website and the forums where writers and artists can share news of their latest triumphs.

So why the blog?

This online journal will be different from the other mediums in that I won't necessarily talk about ESC!, writing or even the latest book I'm reading. More so, this blog will give me a place to put interesting links I've found, climb on my soapbox to rant about the latest evils coming out of Microsoft or just share my thoughts at the moment. For good or bad, this will be an opportunity to give the readers of ESC! a broader perspective of the man behind the magazine and maybe ... just maybe ... pick up a few new readers in the process.


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